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Trailer - "A Lil' While Longer"
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LMBC-Pastor Hines (WedBibleStudy), 071520
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LMBC - 32nd Pastoral Anniversary Promo#02 (JohnsonTwins), July 9th 2020
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LMBC - 32nd Pastoral Anniversary Promo (Jackie Barber), July 9th 2020
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Jeremiah 7: 2
Stand in the gate of the Lord's house;
Hear the word of the Lord, enter in at these gates to worship the Lord.
On May 18, 1948, in the living room of Hattie Taylor, the "Mission" started and moved to a tent on Deyo Alley. It was called a Mission because they did not have a preacher. The Mission official became the Lily Missionary Baptist Church in November 1948. In the same year the late Pastor George Wade became the Pastor at the age of twenty-six. He was ordained September 26, 1948; Rev. S.C. Burt of Battle Creek Michigan did the installation. In 1951 Pastor Wade built the first church on Deyo Alley, which was renamed in 1998 at the 50th church anniversary to W.G. Wade Drive. A $100,000 addition was added to the original structure in 1979. Pastor Wade passed away in March of 1987. Pastor James L Hines became the Interim Pastor in November of 1987. In March 1988 he was called as the permanent Pastor at the age of twenty-six. In 1999, God gave Pastor a vision to build a new structure that included a church and center. Pastor and First Lady Leontyne Hines were lead to give the church $50,000 toward the project during the climax service for his Eleventh Pastoral Anniversary. When Pastor Hines approached Sister Hines with the idea of giving the sizable offering, she was prompted by GOD to speak these encouraging words, "We came here broke and we can leave here broke." This was confirmation for Pastor Hines to move forward with the plan. An all-night prayer and fasting vigil was held on the Friday night immediately preceding the business meeting that took place the following Saturday, where the vote was taken to build. Reverend Bennie Gibson made the motion to build the new structure. Sister Jennie Johnson seconded the motion. Pastor Hines went to work immediately, assisted by Deacons Charles Arnold, Albert Peterson, James Conner, and Trustee Thomas Brown. GOD began to work miraculously on our behalf. Pastor Hines sold the church parking lot for $500,000 to Foote Hospital. Then, at the same time, he purchased the entire block for $470,000. Deacon Albert Peterson located Mid-West Church Construction for Pastor Hines. Pastor Hines negotiated a turnkey contract to have the church built for $3.2 million, a 30,000 square foot project. Pastor Hines began to cut down trees that stood on a two acre site single handedly with just a saw and an axe. Youth ranging for the ages of five to fifth teen began to help. Russell Davis IV (14), Tedric Gibbs (13), Robert Wright (13), Desmond Logan (12), Matthew Leftridge (15), Joseph Hines (7), Alyse Hines (5). Tim Williams, a local truck driver and non-member at the time, gave up $500 and a paycheck to help cut. Pastor Hines secured a $2.2 million loan from Citizens Bank with a monthly cash flow of $3,600; nobody but GOD permitted this to happen. As of 2003, the church was estimated to be worth $10 million. Currently the church owes $ . With your help, yet another miracle can be accomplished by paying off this debt. If you would like to sow a seed please click here" "Seed"

Lily's First Family
Pastor James L Hines
Elect Lady Leontyne Hines
Brother Joseph Hines
Sister Alyese Hines
Weekly Schedule
Sunday School 9:30 am
Sunday Service Starts at Noon
Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study Noon
Wednesday Night Prayer/Bible Study 7:00 pm

For Donations, Tithes & Offerings Please Click Below

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